Sunday, December 29, 2019
Essay about The Use of Anabolic Steroids in Society Today
The Use of Anabolic Steroids in Society Today The use of steroids in our society today is very common, that is with prescription. But that is not the kind of steroids I am talking about, I am talking about Anabolic Steroids. Anabolic steroids are a very sensitive issue in the world of sports today. Even though the side effects are life threatening, men and woman alike continue to submit their bodies to this illegal drug. Anabolic steroids are taken either through pills or injected directly into the blood stream with a needle. In 1994, 1,084,000 Americans, or 0.5 percent of the adult population, said that they had use anabolic steroids, according to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s National Household†¦show more content†¦There is orally or injected. Most athletes and other abusers take them typically in cycles of weeks or months, rather than continuously, in patterns called cycling. Cycling involves taking multiple doses of steroids over a specific period of time, stopping for a peri od, and starting again. In addition, users frequently combine several different types of steroids to maximize their effectiveness while minimizing negative effects, a process known as stacking (NIDA July/August 1997). A lot of people associate steroids with body builders. I made the same assumption that is until I researched this paper. In the 18-34 age group, about 1 percent had ever used steroids, for ages 35 and older, that figure went down to .2 percent. More men than women had used the drugs: 0.9 percent of men and 0.2 percent of women said they had ever taken steroids. NIDA’s Monitoring the Future study has tracked anabolic steroid use among middle school and high school students in the United States since 1989. From 1989 to 1996, there was a slight, gradual decline in the number of 8th, 10th, and 12th graders who had ever used steroids or uses them in the past year. In 1996, 1.8 percent to 2.4 percent of these students had ever use steroids, and 0.9 percent to 1.5 percent had used them in the last year (NIDA September 1997). Under Federal law it is illegal to possess or distribute anabolic steroids of any sort. So who are these people getting this illegalShow MoreRelated Steroids and Sports Essay1324 Words  | 6 PagesSteroids and Sports Steroids, ever since their introduction into the sports world five decades ago, they have been a controversial issue (WebMD medical news). Anabolic performance dates as far back as the original Olympic Games. Today walking into any gym you will find some one who is using steroids or some kind of enhancement supplement. Anabolic steroids are so popular with athletes from high School level all the way up to the top. For the past fifty years, athletes around the world use steroidsRead More The Use of Steroids and Performance Enhancing Drugs in Sports1507 Words  | 7 PagesI have chosen to write my paper on the topic of steroids and performance enhancing substances that are used today in sports. In this paper I hope to focus on the steroids and performance enhancing drugs and how they have become a problem in sports.      An anabolic steroid is a substance that is related to male sex hormones, known as testosterone. The word â€Å"Anabolic†means muscle building. The word â€Å"steroids†is just referred to as a drug name or a class of drug. Some athletes have made the decisionRead MoreThe Effects Of Steroids On The Human Body, Steroids Sports, And Reasons Why People Use Steroids1251 Words  | 6 PagesJared Hipsher Mrs. Sexton 3-26-15 English 10 Steroids Jared Hipsher 3-26-2015 English 10 Mrs. Sexton Steroids Thesis : The history of steroids, the affects of steroids on the human body, steroids in sports, and reasons why people use steroids, are all things I ve wanted to know for a long time now I am going to further my knowledge on this topic. Introduction About A. Types 1. Anabolic 2. Corticosteroids III. History A. 1954 1. Weight liftingRead MoreThe Increasing Epidemic of Steroids621 Words  | 3 Pages Steroids As the popularity of sports continues to increase in society, so has the use of performance enhancing drugs, primarily anabolic steroids. Anabolic steroids increase the amount of testosterone in the body which allows for increased muscular development. These drugs have been known to be used in all kinds of different sports. Athletes will use these drugs to try to please fans, receive a large contract, and to try to keep up with the players who are already using these drugs. This is creatingRead MoreAnabolic Steroids : A Fatal Attraction1734 Words  | 7 PagesAnabolic Steroids in Sports The market for top performing athletes in sports in the 21st century is a competitive one. Athletes are pushed to, be stronger, an heal from injuries faster. With the pressure to do well and get picked up by a professional team of sorts goes without saying that hard work is a must to elevate ones professional athletic career, but what if one has reached a plateau or hit a wall in a training regimen and just can not seem to push through? When some athletes hit the proverbialRead MoreThe Steroids Epidemic Essay999 Words  | 4 Pages What is the first thing that comes to mind when steroids are discussed? Is it positive? Negative? What comes to mind for me is the vision of an extremely large man with bulging muscles like we see in bodybuilding competitions. These types of images are becoming extremely commonplace in society today, and also increasingly disturbing considering just a few short years ago the ‘bodybuilder’s body’ was just a niche in the sports world. But what drove this movement? There is no way toRead MoreThe Abuse of Anabolic Steriods648 Words  | 3 PagesAccording to Yavari (2009), conventionally, anabolic steroids were used to boost athletic performance and appearance by increasing muscle growth while decreasing fat. These steroids essentially raise androgenic testosterone levels within the body therefore, promoting faster muscle growth. However, today these performance enhancing drugs are no longer a preserve for bodybuilders and professional athletes. Instead they are widely by people across all age groups. Students from middle-school to high-schoolRead MoreSteroids and Other Performance Enhancers Essay1191 Words  | 5 PagesThe issue over steroids and other performance enhancer drugs has been a recent topic in the sports world. The debate over whether or not to punish those who have been caught using has been a major topic recently, as well as the legalization of these drugs. When arising the que stion of whether or not to legalize steroids, many positive and negative factors are brought to the table, and in effect could change various aspects of our normal day lives. Anabolic steroids are a class of naturalRead MoreEssay about Professional Athletes and Enhacer Drugs1338 Words  | 6 Pagesmore drugs than any other sport. I hate how athletes today take enhancement drugs to make them better in sports. (The use of performance-enhancing drugs is becoming relatively mainstream. Approximately 3 million people in the United States have used anabolic steroids (Silver 2001), with usage rates as high as 12% among young men and 2% among young women (Bahrke, Yesalis Brower 1998). Not only are newscasts filled with reports of steroid use by both Olympic and professional athletes, but studiesRead MoreAre Steroids as Bad as We Think?1132 Words  | 5 PagesAre Steroids Bad? Anabolic steroids are one of the most thought about drugs when talking about gaining weight and muscle. Steroids have been around for years and athletes today continue to use these illegal performance enhancing drugs. But are they really that bad for you? Steroids not only have terrible side effects but they are also becoming more and more common around the world today with pro icons using them and the existence of them. People use steroids for many reasons whether it is
Friday, December 20, 2019
Module Quizzes Essay - 14245 Words
Module 1: Syllabus How long do you have to take an E-test? 2 hours Which of the following is curved? E-tests and the E-final Final Grades have? Pluses and minuses If a positive feedback signals reaches the comparator, what occurs? Comparator will turn on the controlled Where should you go to find updates on the course? Announcements in Bioespresso Where should you go to access your readings and assignments? Where do you submit your extra credit paper? Dr. Pozo’s office A student athlete presents Dr. Pozos with documentation that he had an school-sponsored athletic event and was unable to complete the module. Dr. Pozos opens the emodule for the student and the student forgets to take the emodule a†¦show more content†¦You need more data. A subject on one is not enough to give you any kind of solid data. No two humans are identical This statement is true Peer review of data refers to which of the following? Persons who have expertise in a specific area will review the material Which of the following is an example of DEDUCTIVE reasoning? 1) All triangles have 180 degrees (premise). 2) A right triangle is a form of a triangle. 3) Therefore, a right triangle has 180 degrees. Biology can be studied in a non-scientific method. This involves which of the following: Using many subjects but having no controls In the diagram below, which of the following is the controller? $250 K/Yr For Research A cannibal shoots and kills a visiting professor of anthropology. His tribe abhors visitors and are well known for being vicious and cannibals. This act occurred in the jungles of New Guinea. This act in the eyes of his culture is considered to be? Legal, ethical and honorable Which of the following is not part of the scientific method? Presentation- No matter the outcome of the research it MUST be presented. Which of the following is an example of INDUCTIVE reasoning? 1) Priscilla likes men (premise) 2) Julius Caesar is a man 3) Therefore, Priscilla likes Julius Caesar. An athlete takes human growth hormone that enhances his ability to have the best time of any olympic marathon runner in history. She is tested for the growth hormone and is found to have a largeShow MoreRelatedEvaluation Of A Computerized Cognitive Behavioral Therapy1147 Words  | 5 Pagesconsists of five modules, an interactive game, anxiety and depression assessments, downloadable relaxation audio, a workbook and feedback assessment.†It is a web-based program developed by the National Institute for Mental Health Research launched in 2004 and that currently has over 850,000 registered users around the world. (NIMHR, 2015) The program starts with an assessment module consisting of three quizzes for depression, anxiety and warpy thoughts with close answers. These quizzes will be takenRead MoreOnline Exams : An Assessment For Measuring A Test Taker s Knowledge, Skill, Aptitude, Or Classification932 Words  | 4 Pagesinstructors. Most online assessments are used for quizzes and assignments. In many cases, the online assessment is conducted in an institutional learning management systems (LMSs) such as BlackBoard, WebCT, Moodle and Sakai. These online assessment modules in LMSs can help instructors create some simple online quizzes or tests, but the question types are limited and it is hard to integrate the multimedia elements for presenting the questions into these quizzes or tests. Some other commercial software systemsRead Moreapollo 500851 Words  | 4 PagesAnalysis In Module 3, the student will write a 2-page analysis of the assigned method of apologetics. The methods will be assigned based on the name of the groups in the Group Discussion Board. 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H2A: A student recognises different ways in which particular texts are valued. Read MoreDynamic Programming Model1014 Words  | 5 PagesThe dynamic programming model shows similar properties as AI. The dynamic programming model chooses an optimal action path from one state to another state to reach its objective. In our case, states can be students quiz score, actions are which modules to choose, and the objective will be to enhance students learning. I would like to propose two hypotheses: If the dynamic programming model could be used to formulate personalized learning in MOOCs If dynamic programming model is effective at enhancingRead MoreHuman Behavior in Organizations3648 Words  | 15 PagesInstructional Methodology The course is broking into four areas, planning, directing, organizing and controlling, the four main functions of managers. Under each area, students will be asked to engage in various activities within and across course modules, which are the rational groupings (i.e., sections) of course content. Generally speaking, students will have the opportunity to learn both as individuals as well as a member of a team. Students will be asked to act both independently as well asRead MoreWhat Is The Importance Of Working At The Daily Online Class?844 Words  | 4 Pagesgetting your work in on time – meaning before the class ends! While â€Å"stuff†happens, I strongly urge you to try to stay on a pace of roughly one module per week. There are 10 modules total, and each is jam-packed with content and assignments, quizzes, and activities to complete as this is a 4-unit course. There are two benefits to completing approximately one module per week: (1) You will stay up with the rest of the class, and the class discussion postings will be easier and mean more to you, and (2) IRead MoreTraining Importance : Ewing Landscape And Irrigation Supply And The Reason For Its Development1104 Words  | 5 Pagesemployees across the nation, finding the perfect time and a central location for training are no longer simple. Because of this Ewing has developed a series of training modules online, which are designed to help its employees become â€Å"sales professionals†, thus the program is known within the organization as â€Å"SP Training†. These modules are constructed of numerous PowerPoint presentations that start at the very basic topics, such as proper lifting technique, defensive driving, and sales order entry all
Thursday, December 12, 2019
A Few Greek Gods Essay Example For Students
A Few Greek Gods Essay The AncientGreeks believed in a series of myths which explained nature, set up a moralcode for the people, and were just folk lore of the people. In this paper,the beginnings of myths, the Greek gods themselves, and several myths concerningmorals, nature, and old lore of the Ancients will be discussed. Because themyths and details about the gods were passed along by word of mouth, some mythsor gods might be interchanged or different. The Greek myths startedas folk lore until it began to explain nature and storytellers integrated amoral code into the myths. Many myths started out as fairy tales. As newand more efficient farming methods became available to the Greek people theywere faced with more time in which to do other things. A people who have wastedevelop a culture all their own. Because Greece was divided into differentcity- states, many of the myths are different. The culture of storytellingbegan to involve explanations of nature such as the creation of the horse,spider, and su ch changes as winter and fire along with the creation of manhimself. Slowly, as with any longstanding government, the morals and lawsof society leaked into Greek myths in the form of, The slain shall be avengedby Nemesis (a force which causes people to get revenge), or just, Kindnessand humbleness are rewarded by the gods. Some myths were even created tosupport other myths. The myths started with storytelling and developed intoacomplex system of morals and explanations. The Greek myths were almostfruitless without the intervention of the gods. The gods controlled natureand fought their own battles on the earth, which sometimes caused problems. The first god was the most powerful one until he had children. The firstgod is called Oranos or in some myths Uranus. He was the first ruler amongthe gods. Uranus was the heavens and Gaea was the earth and thus they weremarried. The couple gave birth to many different and odd children but Uranuswas cruel to them. Then, Chronos was born as the youngest titan. Chronosdethroned his father and soon after married his sister, Rhea. He didnt wanthis children to dethrone him so he ate them. However, Zeus overthrew Chronosand established the first real empire of the gods. Zeus settled disputes betweenthe other gods and made sure the humans werent treated in the wrong way. Zeus and Hera gave birth to Ares and Hermes along with other minor gods. Herawas a cruel type person in most myths and in one she led a rebellion againstZeus and almost defeated him when he was rescued. Her favorite sign is thepeacock feather and that is her unique sign. Zeus and Hera were the firstlasting god couple. Zeus had two brothers, Poseidon and Hades. AfterChronos had been defeated, the three brothers threw dice for who would rulein which realm. Poseidon chose the sea because there was the source of themost adventure. Zeus chose the sky where he would rule on Mount Olympus. Hades had no choice and took the underworld because he was notoriously unlucky. Poseidon created many odd sea creatures and the dolphin. He also createdthe horse and horselike animals. Poseidon had many children by two nymphsand his first son, Achilles, was greater than himself. Hades ruled the underworldand chose what to do with the souls of the people who came across the RiverStyx. They were judged on what they did in life. He was unloving and terribleand he rarely left the underworld. His only wife was Persephone. She was thedaughter of Demeter, goddess of corn, grain, and weather to an extent. Demeteris a minor god except for the great influence she has on the earth. Becauseher daughter, Persephone, is abductedevery year, the crops wither and wintertakes control of the land. .u5353fbf05d3f7437bd7eaaf7e4c7e0f2 , .u5353fbf05d3f7437bd7eaaf7e4c7e0f2 .postImageUrl , .u5353fbf05d3f7437bd7eaaf7e4c7e0f2 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u5353fbf05d3f7437bd7eaaf7e4c7e0f2 , .u5353fbf05d3f7437bd7eaaf7e4c7e0f2:hover , .u5353fbf05d3f7437bd7eaaf7e4c7e0f2:visited , .u5353fbf05d3f7437bd7eaaf7e4c7e0f2:active { border:0!important; } .u5353fbf05d3f7437bd7eaaf7e4c7e0f2 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u5353fbf05d3f7437bd7eaaf7e4c7e0f2 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u5353fbf05d3f7437bd7eaaf7e4c7e0f2:active , .u5353fbf05d3f7437bd7eaaf7e4c7e0f2:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u5353fbf05d3f7437bd7eaaf7e4c7e0f2 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u5353fbf05d3f7437bd7eaaf7e4c7e0f2 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u5353fbf05d3f7437bd7eaaf7e4c7e0f2 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u5353fbf05d3f7437bd7eaaf7e4c7e0f2 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u5353fbf05d3f7437bd7eaaf7e4c7e0f2:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u5353fbf05d3f7437bd7eaaf7e4c7e0f2 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u5353fbf05d3f7437bd7eaaf7e4c7e0f2 .u5353fbf05d3f7437bd7eaaf7e4c7e0f2-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u5353fbf05d3f7437bd7eaaf7e4c7e0f2:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Dead Poets Society (372 words) EssayThere were quite a few lesser gods who ruledover small parts of nature. Aphrodite is the goddess of love and passion. She was formed of the foam off the genitals of Neptune which fell into thesea. She manipulated men and was known for her enchanted golden apples. Herson was Eros, where we get the word erotic. Eros is the Greek form of Cupid,the Roman god of love. Aphrodite also has a magical girdle that makes anyoneshe wishes to love her. Aphrodite is married to Hephaestus,
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Philippine Airlines free essay sample
A copy of the Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity issued by the Civil Aeronautics Board; A copy of the transportation rates as approved by the Civil Aeronautics Board; Pictures of the plane showing the side, back and front views thereof with the companys name and/or logo imprinted at its sides; List of operations and maintenance officials and personnel with their ATO licenses; Copy of the routes to be served and flight schedules; and such other papers or documents as may be required from time to time by the Department. VI. Evaluation of Study SWOT (Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) * Strengths * Weaknesses * Opportunities Internet Advertising People use internet worldwide and a great way of communicating is through the web, utilizing the internet could expand the reach of PAL to its potential passengers. This could help the company to attract new customers and update the current situation of the company. We will write a custom essay sample on Philippine Airlines or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page * Threats Close Competition There has been a stiff competition in the airline industry in the Philippines. Moreover, threats also increase due to the emerging substitutes and new entrants. PEST (Political, Economic, VII. Plans and Programs of the study 1. Buying more aircraft – PAL signed a multibillion-dollar deal to acquire 50 new planesâ€â€the biggest aircraft order in the country’s history. 2. Planning to put up own airport Jean-Francois Laval, center, senior vice president for sales Asia of Airbus; Lucio Tan, left, chairman and CEO of Philippine Airlines, and Ramon S. Ang, president and COO of Philippine Airlines hold an Airbus A321 model aircraft in a news conference Tuesday Aug. 28, 2012, in Manila, Philippine Airlines signed a $7 billion deal to buy 54 Airbus jets. PAL on Thursday disclosed plans to build what could be the largest airport in the Philippines. Ang said the new airport would be closer to Manila than the Clark International Airport in Pampanga, which the government is grooming to replace NAIA. The new airport, which will be exclusive to PAL and sister firm PAL Express (formerly Air Philippines), would have two parallel runways when it opens, with the option of having two more. Parallel runways mean two planes can take off and land at the same timeâ€â€now impossible at NAIA’s perpendicular runways. Ang said the new airport, together with other components of PAL’s expansion, could lead to a solution to the labor problems that have hounded the airline for more than a decade. 3. The payment gateway (7 – Eleven and Petron ) Philippine Airlines (PAL) passengers will now experience the convenience of paying for their domestic tickets 24/7 in over 766 7-Eleven retail outlets nationwide. With ECPays Payment Center facility in 7-Eleven stores, passengers who book online do not need to go and line up at PAL to pay for their tickets. Instead, they may simply go the nearest 7-Eleven outlet in their neighborhood. And for the local residents, Book amp; Buy ticket kiosks will be installed at selected Petron gas stations. It offers a hassle-free alternative to ticket offices and travel agencies as avenues for ticket purchases. VIII. Comparison between the study and rules and regulations set by DOT Philippine Airlines follow the rules and regulations set by DOT, but they also have their own rules that exclusive for them. It is important that every passenger read the following legal notices and agree to accept and abide by the provisions stated in each notice set by PAL. While the rules and regulations, provisions, requirements set by DOT should be followed of all airlines here in the Philippines. IX. Conclusion and Recommendations We agree that the plan of Philippine Airlines to build their own airlines can be a good chance for our country to be known internationally because they can now show to everyone that they improving their customer services; they ensuring that they provide the safest, most efficient Airline maintenance system in our country; their products are being enhanced. They don’t just sell an airline seat or an airline ticket, they are focuses on how they treated their customers; how they satisfied their needs when it comes in the services that they offered. We recommend that in order for the Philippine airlines to hold and maintain its position in the industry the company should pursue strategies focused on increasing market penetration and product development. They should try to offer more discount promos for their customers especially when Holidays, Christmas or Vacations. They should make more strategies that will help to develop their products and services for the satisfaction of their clients.
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